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Are Dictionary Companies Helping?
American Foundations have also failed
Non Profit Status
Proof: The Only Practical Easier to use Dictionary
Why some theorists are blind
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Proof of Non-profit Status, plus Budgets


Comprehension Project, Inc. was accepted as a non-profit corporation by both the federal government and the California state government.

The Internal Revenue Service of the federal government approved nonprofit status as a 501(c)(3) type of
nonprofit corporation.  That Employer Identification Number (EIN) is 94-3201480.  That federal approval is on
the last page of this Website article.

The Franchise Tax Board of the State of California also approved this nonprofit status, with this being given corporation number 1881204. 


The Budgets

Comprehension Project, Inc. has two alternative budgets.

The first budget involved our getting enough funds from foundations to buy a complete edition of about  20,000 dictionaries from a dictionary company, where this patented index would be included.  That budget included additional funds to get this improved dictionary known to the public, including public relations articles, ads, and funds for me as executive director to be able to work at this full time.  That first budget came to $469,700 – and is presented in full later in this article.

The second budget was approved when it began to appear less likely that foundations would fund the original budget.  While our program is objectively provable to be top priority, after years of trying we had received no donations from foundations.  The second budget will be described right here.

The second budget is for only up to $90,000 and includes up to $5,000 per month for a year to a public relations company that would get us a guaranteed minimum number of articles each month in national media.

Through numerous articles this public relations company would inform the public about the “secret" of this improved dictionary.  The result is that the public would finally learn about this improved dictionary and priority way to help education.  The public would start to demand this improved dictionary of foundations, of dictionary companies, etc.  And education would finally be aided with this program.

Articles in magazines are read about 6 times more often than ads and trusted more.  This public relations company sometimes gets as much article space as the client could have got in ad space for the same cost. What this means is – if you could buy a half page article in the same magazine for the same cost as a half page ad, which would you buy?  Choosing the articles is usually the better answer.  This unusual public relations company is a very economical way to spread news of this improved dictionary to the public.

This public relations company's guaranty is at least 5 articles per month of medium size.  On the other hand this public relation company often goes past their guaranteed minimum.  We might get 10 or 15 articles per month of medium size for some of those months.

$5,000 times 12 months = $60,000.  The other $30,000 was for me to be able to work full time for 12 months at $2,500 per month, and allow me to quit my present full-time job.  On the other hand, if less than $90,000 were donated, this public relations company could be paid for their lower program of $2,950 per month and get fewer articles per month. 

With their minimum of 3 months, if we got donations of only $8,850, we could pay for three months of their lower program, and I would continue to work at my present everyday job.  If donations came in that totaled a bit more, we could pay for more months in this lower program.  With more donations, I could take a month or two off my regular job to be able to work at $2,500 per month. 

To date I have never been paid even a dime for my work as executive director of Comprehension Project, Inc.  This has resulted in my having little time to be able to work on this nonprofit corporation, having to work full time at a regular job to pay living expenses.  $2,500 per month from this nonprofit corporation is not an extravagant income.

Unlike many nonprofit corporations that help education only in a local area, our program would help education throughout the whole country.  Our program is national in scope.  It is relatively low cost to get this program started, considering we are talking about helping the whole country and not just one local city.  The low cost of getting this program started would be repaid over a hundred times in its value in improving education within the whole country.  It is past time for this priority aid to be brought to our education system.

Below is the original larger Budget totaling $469,700.00.
Budget  Detail  for  Comprehension  Project,  Inc.
Total Program First Year
A. Executive Director @ $2,500/mo x 12 mos.  $30,000.00

Fringe Benefits, 20% of salary, inclusive of FICA, SDI, health insurance, Workers Comp

$  6,000.00
C.  Initial Stage Launch Costs (See later page) $19,700.00
A. First Edition Improved Dictionary $265,000.00

Public Relations @ $5,000/mo x 12 mos.

$  60,000.00
C.  Advertising  $  25,000.00
D. Website having videos  $  10,000.00
E. Fulfillment Service, Retainer Fee $   2,500.00
F. Videos copied   $   3,000.00
G. Transportation and Hotels  $   5,000.00
H. Survey to demonstrate public demand $   8,500.00
I. Follow-up Evaluation, how improved dictionary affected studying. $  10,000.00
J. Free dictionaries to schools, individuals, book reviewers, publications – here the Shipping & Handling costs $   8,000.00

Subsidized costs some dictionaries to some schools and individuals, here S & H costs.

$   4,000.00

Education of public to use dictionaries more adequately.

 $  3,000.00
M. Consultants (Accounting and Legal)  $   4,400.00
N. Telephone, $150.00 x 12 months Postage  $   1,800.00 
O. Printing   $   1,200.00
P. Office Supplies  $      800.00
A. Free use of United States Patent Number 4,813,710.
B. Preparation of 3 minute and 16 minute videos.
C. Advertisement designed.
D. Other explanatory literature provided.
E. Rent, Utilities at Exec. Director’s home
F. Use of Exec. Director’s office, computer, FAX, etc.


Seed Money, after which Self Sustaining 

Grand Total                $469,700.00



Notes on the Budget, Comprehension Project, Inc.       

The goal here is to get the first edition of this improved dictionary published, and to get this improved dictionary known to the public,

The main cost, Item A, is to get about 20,000 of these improved dictionaries published.  This would be a dictionary company’s regular dictionary, alike in all ways except this Index would also be included.

Referring to OPERATING  EXPENSES, Item B, Public Relations is largely to be utilized to get this known to the public.  Articles are read about six times more often than ads, plus their claims are trusted much more than ads.  We have found an unusual public relations company with guaranteed large results that will provide an economical way to get the story of the need for this improved dictionary to the public.

Fulfillment Service, Item E, is that kind of contracted-out company that packages and addresses and ships out products for a fee.  They specialize and can do that more efficiently than hiring someone in-house.  They would  receive dictionary orders by phone, by Internet, or however and ship out those dictionaries.

This PR company also works to get personal appearances on television, so if invited to make any appearance, Item G would allow me to get this better known that way.  Item H on Survey will help demonstrate to magazines and foundations how much the public wants this improved dictionary.  Item I on Evaluation will show how much this dictionary helps education. This Survey and Evaluation will be done by contracted outside objective professionals. The other items in the budget are fairly much self-explanatory.

Side Note:  There is a concern that this first edition of about 20,000 dictionaries will run out fairly quickly, and some of the public may be annoyed having to wait perhaps for months for the next edition.  It would be better if we had more funds to make the first edition larger. 

With the $469,700 funds in this Budget, we prefer not to sell the majority of the first edition to large purchasers, for instance a few local school systems.  We prefer to have many dictionaries left to fill orders from the general public.

Here is a way with the $469,700 Budget that the first edition could be increased in size, to have more dictionaries for large purchasers such as school systems.  A school system could make an advance order of maybe 2,000 – 5,000 – or 10,000 of these improved dictionaries.  Getting enough large advance orders, totaling for instance an extra 30,000 dictionaries, we could add an extra 30,000 dictionaries to the size of the first edition.


How to become self-sustaining after first year's budget is acquired.

We will need about 20,000 dictionaries available to the general public to be able to be self-sustaining after this first edition is published.  This will allow us to pay for a following edition, and then later another edition, to keep bringing this improved dictionary to the public.  We will likely have to work hard to keep up with demand.  Our basic nonprofit corporation's purpose is to bring this improved dictionary to the public.  It would not be contrary to or conflict with our nonprofit corporation's purposes if a dictionary company published this on its own, and itself sold and distributed this to the public.


The first Budget included $19,700 for Initial Stage Launch Costs, that included funds for me as executive director to work full time at this at $2,500 per month for six months – while additional funds were being acquired.  That would allow me more time to work on this.  However, if it looks like the whole $479,700 would not be acquired, smaller donations would not go to Initial Stage Launch Costs, and would instead go to the second Budget, perhaps to pay that public relations company for its lesser program of $2,950 per month.