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Proof: The Only Practical Easier to use Dictionary
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To Help Education this Must be Published SOON


This improved dictionary has never been published.  If it is not published within one or two years, it becomes less likely that it will ever be published.  This United States Patent Number 4,813,710 expires March 21, 2006 – about four years from the start of this Website. 

As explained below, a company could lose money if publishing this improved dictionary in the last two years of this patent, or if publishing this after the patent expires.

Here we finally have a practical improved dictionary that people would use more willingly, more often, and more adequately.  During the first thirteen years of this patent no dictionary company has published this.  How much do dictionary companies care about helping education?  How much do dictionary companies care about helping their own finances?


How advertising and marketing costs reduce the advantage of producing a new product towards the end of that patent.

The cost of getting this improved dictionary to the public is not only the publishing costs.  There are also the marketing costs of informing the public that this improved dictionary now exists.  The cost of advertisements, plus public relations articles in magazines, adds up to large additional amounts.

Let us consider what would happen if a dictionary company published this in the last six months of this patent, over three years from now.  After that six months of making this improved dictionary available, with all the expensive marketing, by that time there would be generated many sales.  The public would finally be awakened to this better dictionary and be wanting to buy it. 

By that time the public would much be demanding this improved dictionary.  At the end of that six months this patent would expire, and any other dictionary company could also publish this improved dictionary for free.

But these later dictionary companies would have low marketing costs.  They would not have to go to all that original effort to tell the public that this improved dictionary now exists and its advantages, because the public would already know that.  These later dictionary companies could just put their brand of this improved dictionary on store shelves, and people would come in, know all about it, and buy it.

The first dictionary company’s cost per dictionary would be based on the publishing costs plus the marketing costs of all that advertising.  The later dictionary company's’ costs would largely be based just on their publishing costs. 


The later dictionary companies could afford to sell this at a significantly lower price, and they would take most of the sales. 

The first dictionary company would no longer have any marketing advantage.  The first dictionary company might in fact have some large marketing disadvantage, if not willing or able to drop their prices to that of the competition.  The first dictionary company could end up losing money.

At the moment speaking only economically (apart from any concern of a dictionary company to help education) this is a reason NOT to publish this if only 6 months were left on the patent.  Similarly, there would be little advantage to publish this if only one year remained on the patent, and also somewhat if only two years remained on the patent.

In my Survey, 90% of the public would prefer this improved dictionary, and would be willing to pay $3.19 extra to have this Index included.  If a dictionary company took 50% or only 20% of the dictionary sales in the last three or four years of this patent, that dictionary company would do extremely well.  Many people instead of waiting 2 or 3 years to replace an older dictionary would just buy this improved dictionary right away, so that sales after first publishing this would be extra large.


Let us consider if no dictionary company published this until AFTER the patent expired.

In that case, that dictionary company would have the large marketing costs.  As soon as the public started buying this in quantity, maybe by six months later, other dictionary companies could just jump in and sell their dictionaries at a lower cost and take most of the sales.

In effect, the other dictionary companies would say “Hey, thanks for getting the public to know about and want this improved dictionary.  Thanks for that large marketing expense.  We’ll just take it from here, taking most of the sales.” 

But at the moment the public does not know about this improved dictionary, no one has published this, and if a first publishing of this dictionary is not done until after the patent expires, this improved dictionary will likely never be published. 

As explained above, there is no particular marketing advantage to publish this after the patent expires.  After the patent expires, this would likely never be published.


Would the dictionary field have any economic advantage if this improved dictionary were never published?

If one dictionary company did publish this improved dictionary, that would tend to force other dictionary companies to include this same Index on their dictionaries after the patent expired.  Because by then the public would know about this, demand it, and have little interest to buy an ordinary dictionary.  At that point ordinary dictionaries would tend to be fairly much obsoleted, with few people wanting one of those.

There might even be an economic reason those later dictionary companies might have preferred that first dictionary company never published this in the first place.  Those later dictionary companies do not gain any marketing or competitive advantage from this, because other dictionary companies would have the same improved dictionary.  Other dictionary companies would just be left with an increased publishing expense of putting this Index on their dictionaries.  Why should they want that increased publishing expense?


The last remaining reason for a dictionary company to publish this would be IF THE PUBLIC DEMANDED IT.

What if the public said to dictionary companies “We have discovered that this improved dictionary has been invented and is possible.  We want this for its convenience, plus to help education.  If you do not publish this to help education, we may have some doubts about your concern to help education"? 

A publishing company often publishes many other books related to education. If the public doubts a dictionary company’s concern for education, that public may not so automatically believe that those other books should be their first choice to serve education.  A dictionary company’s public relations can be very important to its income.

Your politely requesting/demanding that dictionary companies publish this to help education could go a long way to get this published.  You carry a lot of power. 

The basic purpose of this Website is to inform you that this improved dictionary exists.  This Website helps remove the “secret” about this improved dictionary.  You are now in a position to demand this of dictionary companies, as a priority way to help education.


In defense of dictionary companies.

I must point out that I have never sent any dictionary company as much information as appears on this Website.  In marketing you can not send someone maybe sixty pages of material and expect them to read all that.

So this Website is the first opportunity many dictionary companies will have to read all of this.  This is not to say that just from what I earlier sent them, they could not have asked if I had any more already prepared material to explain more about any subject.  But still, IF they read everything on this Website, they will know with more depth and certainty how important this is to help education.

For that matter, there is also more material here than any foundation has seen, towards giving a donation to the nonprofit corporation Comprehension Project, Inc. 

With the public writing letters requesting this improved dictionary, dictionary companies may finally publish this improved dictionary.  That publishing largely depends on you in the public requesting/demanding they publish this to help education.  Thirteen years has already gone by on this patent.  If this is not published soon, this will likely never be published.


Some likely PROOF that this would not be published after the patent expires.

This proof relates to the fact that no foreign dictionary company published this during the last thirteen years, even though there was no patent stopping them. 

This United States Patent Number 4,813,710 on “Dictionary Index” applies only within the United States.  This improved dictionary can be published anywhere outside the United States, as long as that dictionary is not imported inside the United States.

This helps answer the question: “What if dictionary companies are just waiting for this patent to expire, when they could publish this for free?”

Foreign publishers could have been publishing this improved dictionary for free for the last thirteen years, and I have heard of no such publishing.

As is explained above, there is no economic advantage to be the first to publish this after the patent expires – – or in this case, to be the first to publish this in a country where there has never been a patent in the first place.  Why go to all that marketing expense, just to have another dictionary company undersell you and take most of the sales?


Many foreign dictionary companies knew about this.

I went out of my way to inform foreign dictionary companies about this.  After my United States patent, some patent attorneys on my behalf filed International Patent Application Number PCT/US 89/00851 to get patents on this in many foreign countries.  On September 7, 1990 the European Patent Office published this international patent application under publication number WO90/09895 that anyone was allowed to see.

The European Patent Office conducted its much larger international patent search than the United States Patent Office usually does.  The European Patent Office in its “International Search Report” decided three of category “A,” about the most positive results possible for any invention.

That search as much as said that if I paid about $14,000 in their fees, that I would get patents in my choice of about 10 countries of the 37 countries participating in the Patent Cooperation Treaty.  If I paid a larger fee, I could get patents in all 37 of those countries, including many countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, etc.  I had one year from that publishing date of September 7, 1990 to pay those fees.

I quickly wrote to many foreign dictionary companies, offering to sell patents in different countries.  I figured that with any such purchase I could pay for patents in many countries and have some income left over.  So many foreign companies were made aware of this.  I never received any offer, however small, from any foreign dictionary company (plus to date, I have not received any offer, however small, from any U.S. dictionary company).

Apart from my writing to foreign dictionary companies, foreign dictionary companies could learn about this from that international publishing, plus from my U.S. patent.  I did not have the funds by the one-year deadline of September 7, 1991 – so that after that date I lost all patent rights in any other country.  From that time on any foreign dictionary publisher could publish this for free.

But no foreign dictionary company has published this, during the about thirteen years that they could have published this for free.  Probably because they would have no economic advantage to publish this, as explained above.

This is to say – Do not expect that after this patent expires that American publishers will publish this.  If you want this to be published in the United States, it may well be necessary for you to demand this of our dictionary publishers, especially during the next two years when they will have a large economic advantage still to publish this.

Yes, you have heard about inventions that could help mankind that were never used to help mankind, and in some cases were purposely hidden away.  If you want to help education with this priority program, you will basically have to demand this of our dictionary publishers.

If you want to help the poverty and lack of education in other countries, your helping get this published here would help.  Because if this improved dictionary gets published here, this improved dictionary will also be learned about over there, at which point those publics will start demanding that those dictionary companies publish this over there.

Are you willing for this breakthrough invention to help education to become buried and forgotten about?  Or are you willing to send a polite demand to our dictionary companies?  Some names and addresses of some dictionary companies are included in  "Contacting Dictionary Companies” at the end of the home page.