Advance Ordering
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Advance Ordering Dictionaries
An alternative route to start helping
education with this priority program.


Individuals can advance-order this improved dictionary one at a time.  School systems, government agencies, and book stores can each advance order thousands of these at a time.

A first edition needs to be about 20,000 copies of this improved dictionary to get a practical enough, low enough cost per dictionary.

One way to get a first edition finally published is if in however manner, the total advance orders came to at least about 20,000 copies.


Individual orders from the public for one book each.

The advance order cost per dictionary will be more ordering one or two than when ordering thousands.  A first edition done in this manner would have a larger publishing cost per dictionary than later when there is a larger production.  On the other hand as explained in the article “Emergency – This Must be Published SOON,” there is a risk that if a first edition is not done soon, that this will never be published.  Instead of waiting maybe for years for the cost per dictionary to come down, you might do well to order now.

To be on the safe side, increasing the cost upwards, your mailing in forty dollars ($40.00) will cover the cost of buying and shipping and handling for one dictionary.  The checks should be made out to Comprehension Project, Inc. and mailed to 2337 Harrison Street, Oakland, CA 94612.  You can write on the check "Advance order for _____ (fill in number) dictionary."  That way, your check will not be confused with any donations also mailed in. 

No checks for orders of dictionaries will be cashed until there is total enough advance orders to pay for a complete first edition.  Then those funds would be cashed to advance pay for that first edition. 

Do not cancel this check but be willing to wait months and months, even years, if it takes that long to get about $265,000 in advance orders.  I can not tell you at the moment exactly which dictionary would be published, and if it would have thumb indexing or not, along with the new Index.  There is some possibility that a dictionary company might be annoyed enough at this Website as no longer to be willing to publish an edition in this manner.


You can order extra of these improved dictionaries. 

You can order extra dictionaries to go to different family members.      You could order extra dictionaries to go to the school of your choice, maybe to help some alma mater schools you went to, or that are in your local neighborhood.  Here you can be something of a hero to any such school, helping their education.  You can be sure any school would appreciate this gift from you.

If a school of your choice is shipped one or more of these dictionaries, a note will go with each dictionary to look at this Website to learn more about this.  Your gift could help a school later advance order even hundreds of these, from a later printed edition.  Here is a way for you to improve education in the school(s) of your choice.


What other ways can we add to these advance orders, to arrive at a total of at least about 20,000 dictionaries?


School Systems

Please tell your local school system, and any school system, about this Website.  You can merely mail a letter or send an E-mail to the head of a school, and say something like "I have discovered something that will very much help education in your school.  Please look at the Website with the address of" .

You could encourage whichever school system to make an advance order of even thousands of these.  This could quickly increase the number of orders for these dictionaries.


Federal and state education departments

These government agencies with the responsibility to help education can also make advance orders, for these improved dictionaries to go to whichever schools or students they choose.  You can also tell these agencies about this Website.  Just phone or send them a letter or E-mail or FAX or whatever.


Book Sellers

Book stores are always on the watch for books that the public would want to buy.  If you tell book stores that you want to buy this improved dictionary, they will quickly think "We have got to get this book on the shelves."  Once again, tell them this Website address.



You can recommend to foundations that help education to look at this Website and give a grant/donation to this nonprofit corporation, Comprehension Project, Inc.  A foundation would usually not want to buy some of these improved dictionaries for them to distribute as they choose.  Most foundations are set up only to give out grants and donations.

But foundations can certainly help here.  A foundation donating $5,000;  $10,000;  $20,000;  $40,000; etc. would certainly help this nonprofit corporation get this improved dictionary to the public.  Different people in the public contacting different foundations all over the country, and ten or 40 foundations making donations, would certainly help get this first edition published.


If people merely  LEARN  that this improved dictionary exists, most will want this in their home.

Merely by your helping spread the word of this improved dictionary and this Website, we can get this improved dictionary finally published.

In this whole country of about 285,000,000 people, it should be fairly easy to get advance orders of 20,000 or more.  Basically all that is needed is for the above decision makers to see this Website and then do the responsible thing.

Advance orders from school systems, government agencies, book stores, individuals such as yourself  – – plus any donations from foundations – –will speed getting this first edition published.


Remember, you can still contact dictionary companies.

Remember, you can still send letters, E-mails, Faxes, etc. to dictionary companies asking them to publish this.  See the article at the end of this Website titled "Contacting Dictionary Companies."  You could include in any such letter to a dictionary company any other measure you are doing to help this, for instance that you mailed a note to your local school, made an advance order here, etc. 

What would happen if dictionary companies see that this improved dictionary is no longer a "secret" and that the public is getting behind this?  What would happen is that at least one dictionary company may fairly quickly decide that the time has arrived to publish this.  A dictionary company may not want to be seen by the public as kicking and screaming and protesting all the way against helping education with a clearly improved dictionary.


You might also make a donation.

Keep in mind that you can also send in a donation to Comprehension Project, Inc., where those funds are not earmarked to an advance order.  You could send in a separate check just made out to this nonprofit corporation, on which you might also write “Donation.”  Donations can also be made by credit card.  Please turn to the home page and click on “Donations” to see about that.

Kindly do not mail in one check for instance 1/2 for advance ordering and 1/2 for donation, because advance order checks will not be cashed right away.  Please mail in a separate check for each.  Any check that comes in with nothing written on it about “advance order” will be presumed to be for donations.

Donations will help pay for a public relations company to get numerous magazine articles on this program, as explained in “Proof of Nonprofit Status, plus Budgets.”  Any donation will help get more people to see this Website and learn about this fundamental requirement for education and how this improved dictionary will help.  Donations will also result in more advance orders being made.  Donations would indirectly result in this advance edition being more likely published in the first place. 

Keep in mind those advance-order checks can not be cashed until there is enough to pay for this complete edition.  In the meantime those advance-order checks are just sitting there not helping this program at all.  Donations even for just $10.00 or $20.00, will help put this overall program into operation better and faster.

Will you help in any of the above ways to get this first edition published.

Donations and advance orders will be appreciated.  Whoever you may also contact in the above lists of people and organizations, your help will be appreciated.  You will significantly be helping the education in this country.