Contacting Me

To contact dictionary companies directly click on the link below;
Contacting Dictionary Companies


You can mail to me personally at Alexander Weilgart, 2337 Harrison Street, Oakland, CA 94612-3760.  

I am working full time at a regular job getting average pay.  I have little extra time, and can not answer numerous E-mails or phone calls each day.  So I can not give my E-mail address or phone number.  If you are so kind as to mail to me, it may be a while before I could answer you, if I ever could answer you.  I look forward to the day when I can work full time at this and quit my regular job, where I could answer more mail.

Do you have a testimonial you can mail me, telling how you think this would help education, which you would allow me to use and put on this Website? 

Donations mailed to Comprehension Project, Inc. at this same address would be used all the better to get word to the public about this program to help education, as is explained in the article on "Budget."  You can also make a donation by credit card, by turning to the home page and clicking on “Donations.”

It is rather ridiculous with our education system failing, that year after year the country has not known about this priority solution.  It is only after the public learns that this solution exists, that the public can request and demand this of dictionary companies.  Donations will help the public learn about this priority program.